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Monday, September 19, 2011

Beauty Instantly

Maintenance of beauty has nothing to do with recession or pay cuts. It just does not understand unemployment. One‘s face and body needs to be looked after always. One has to stay fit, healthy and beautiful all the time. I for one feel that one should ‘live pretty and die beautiful.’
But maintenance of beauty can become as costly or as cheap as you want. One corner in your house, the kitchen besides feeding your stomach can also feed your skin as well.
 So while you cook bread, use the kneaded form to rub on your face. Marinating chicken with loads of curd, take out a spoonful and apply on your face. It will act as a moisturizer. Eating honey is good for your stomach and applying it on face is even better. Take out the juice of Indian gooseberry and even wash the face with it. Cleanse your face with vegetable oil.
Instant Beauty Tips